‘Death Be Not Proud’

2 weeks ago 26

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Death came unexpectedly,

And uninvited too

It left us lost, wondering

What’s a soul to do.

You realize you’re helpless

And have no final say

You’ve lost control quite quickly

And it’s too late to pray

Yet death can be a mercy

Instead of endless pain

Life’s not endless sunshine

But it shouldn’t be just rain

I miss my friend quite deeply

It chills me to the bone

One moment we’re together

And now I’m quite alone.

Where’s the world where death has died

And we don’t live in fear

Because we are quite mortal

The shadow creeps too near

But death is not final

Can’t have the final say

It has its pyrrhic victory

That lasts but for a day

The prophets promised lasting life

That buries even graves

And carries on eternally

Because the Maker saves

And not just new humans

But new creation too

All creatures great and small

Can all be made anew

Meanwhile I am in mourning

Not like those who have no hope

The night can’t last forever

I’ll climb that final slope

And see with joy renewal

Redemption, rescue too

Wolves and lambs together

And humans made brand new

A world resurrected

Sin, sorrow, suffering gone

Disease, decay are banished

Creation carries on

The river of life flows through it

The trees with leaves that heal

And what seemed a dream to many

Has become the realest real

So I’ll not say goodbye now

To my departed friend

Instead I’ll say ‘au revoir’

And look beyond this end.

For Minnie


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