Nahum, the seventh-century BC. Israelite prophet against Nineveh, has given his name to this book as its composer. His name means “Comfort” in Hebrew.
KEY TEXT: 1:2 – “The LORD is a jealous and avenging God; the LORD takes vengeance and is fierce in wrath. The LORD takes vengeance against his foes; he is furious with his enemies.”
KEY TERM: “NINEVHE” – Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, the world superpower of the 600s B.C. God’s wrath against Nineveh for its sins is the concern of this book. Nahum, the prophet of God’s judgment, followed Jonah, the Prophet of God’s mercy, to Nineveh.
ONE-SENTENCE SUMMARY – Nahum prophesied that God would destroy Nineveh because of its wickedness and violence, never to rise again.
This book preserves the divinely inspired prophecies that Nahum made during his (perhaps) brief ministry. These prophecies served a twofold purpose. First, they were meant to warn the people of Nineveh of their coming doom. Second, they were an encouragement to people living in the kingdom of Judah to believe that God would punish their great enemy for their sins against God’s people.
Nahum focuses attention on the worldview categories of sovereignty and providence and community. God is supreme in the rise and fall of nations. as this book clearly address. The importance of God’s people recognizing themselves as his people under his ultimate protection is also in view.
God’s wrath against every affront to his holiness is on full display in Nahum. He is patient, but this should not be misunderstood as weakness. His promised destruction of Nineveh was necessary because of the divine attributes noted in the Key Text, above.
On one hand, this book shows that human beings can achieve a great deal apart from God. The Assyrian civilization was highly advanced economically and militarily. On the other hand, the Assyrians were cruel and evil, an abomination to God. The book shows that God does not recognize as great (or good) any person or nation that measures success apart from obedience to him.
In Nahum, salvation is presented as God’s final reduce of his people based on his sovereign care: “The LORD is good, a stronghold in a day of distress; he cares for those who take refuge in him” (1:7).
Nahum told Judah to look for a messenger who would bring the good news of Assyria’s downfall, thus proclaiming peace for the world (1:15). The New Testament sees Jesus Christ as God’s ultimate messenger, preaching God’s peace for the world (Acts 10:36). As God is the one who rebukes seas and dries up rivers (1:4), so Jesus rebukes the sea and calms the storms (Matt8:26). END OF PART 1