Shouldn’t Jesus Know the Future? | Brandon Crowe on Mark 13:32

4 days ago 11

In Mark 13:32 (and Matt 24:36), Jesus states that he does not know the day or hour of his return—only the Father does. But how can that be? If Jesus is fully God, wouldn’t he be omniscient?

In this episode of What in the Word?, Kirk E. Miller is joined by Brandon Crowe to explore this challenging passage. They discuss different possible explanations—including bad ones!—and the importance of distinguishing Christ’s two natures. Nothing short of our salvation is at stake!

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Episode guest: Brandon Crowe

Brandon D. Crowe (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, and book review editor for the Westminster Theological Journal and Unio Cum Christo. Crowe’s academic interests include the Gospels, Christology, and various topics related to biblical and systematic theology.

Episode synopsis

The Olivet Discourse

Brandon Crowe begins by explaining the context of Mark 13, known as the Olivet Discourse, which talks about eschatological events. Kirk E. Miller and Brandon briefly outline the different interpretations of this discourse—whether it refers to the destruction of Jerusalem (AD 70), the return of Christ, or a mix of both. They mention theological views like dispensationalism and preterism.

A problematic verse

Mark 13:32 states that no one, not even Jesus, knows the hour of his return except the Father. This raises difficult theological questions: How can the divine Son of God not know something if God is omniscient?

Omniscience and ignorance?

Kirk and Brandon explore Jesus’s two natures—his divinity and humanity—leading to his possession of divine omniscience and yet also of human limitations like ignorance. They survey various passages from the New Testament to illustrate instances where Jesus exhibits both this divine knowledge and human limitation.


Brandon and Kirk discuss some historical and contemporary explanations of this passage:

  • Arianism: This early heresy suggested that Jesus is not fully God since he doesn’t know the hour.
  • Kenoticism: A contemporary view which argues that Jesus emptied himself of some divine attributes, such as complete divine knowledge, during the incarnation.
  • Feigned ignorance: Another view posits that Jesus knew the information but chose not to reveal it.

Brandon and Kirk dissect the theological and exegetical errors involved in these interpretations, emphasizing that Jesus remains fully divine and human according to orthodox Christology.

Communicatio idiomatum & the partitive exegesis

Kirk introduces the concept of communicatio idiomatum, “the communication of properties.” This theological concept explains how attributes of each of Christ’s nature are attributed to the person of Christ. Thus, Jesus’s ignorance according to his human nature does not negate his divine omniscience.

Kirk pulls references from early church fathers like Athanasius of Alexandria and Gregory of Nazianzus, who argue that Jesus’s ignorance about the hour pertains to his human nature. Brandon then explains partitive exegesis, an interpretative method that distinguishes statements about Jesus based on his divine or human nature.

Hermeneutical principles

Brandon and Kirk highlight important hermeneutical principles when engaging tricky passages like Mark 13:32:

  • Scripture as inspired: Recognizing the Bible as God’s authoritative Word.
  • Theological interpretation of Scripture: Acknowledging that we come to the text with theological frameworks, whether or not we acknowledge this.
  • Leaning on the church’s insights: Actively employing insights from historical creeds and church fathers to guide scriptural interpretation.

Practical implications

The discussion turns to the practical significance of Mark 13:32. Brandon underscores the eschatological focus of the passage—it urges believers to stay vigilant and be prepared for Christ’s return without speculating on the exact timing. Kirk also states that if Christ did not know the hour of his own return, it is wrong of us to speculate and date-set.

Kirk also points out that understanding Jesus’s true humanity and divinity is crucial for a correct doctrine of salvation. Only a Savior who is actually God and actually human can effectively redeem humanity.

Teaching & preaching suggestions

Brandon and Kirk offer advice for pastors and teachers on how to handle this passage. While explaining the theological complexities behind Mark 13:32 is needful, it’s also important to convey the larger message of the text—being vigilant and faithful for Christ’s return—and not lose the forest for this one tree.

Logos values thoughtful and engaging discussions on important biblical topics. However, the views and interpretations presented in this episode are those of the individuals speaking and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Logos. We recognize that Christians may hold different perspectives on this passage, and we welcome diverse engagement and respectful dialogue.

Books mentioned in the episode

 The Biblical Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ (We Believe Series)

The Lord Jesus Christ: The Biblical Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ (We Believe Series)

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 Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology, 2nd ed.

Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology, 2nd ed.

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Early Church Fathers Protestant Edition (37 vols.)

Early Church Fathers Protestant Edition (37 vols.)

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Additional resources for further study

 The Doctrine of Christ (Foundations of Evangelical Theology)

God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ (Foundations of Evangelical Theology)

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 The Doctrine of Christ (7 hour course)

Mobile Ed: TH241 Christology: The Doctrine of Christ (7 hour course)

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