February 4, 2025 By Kimba Campbell Leave a Comment
Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – How Much Money?
Materials: pretend money
Divide the money out to the kids. Give them an amount and have them put money together to equal that amount. Read the Weekly Verse, 2 Corinthians 9:7. Say that people give money at church as an offering, but God wants people to give more than money. Today they will hear about someone who gave freely to God.
Live It Out
Game – Pass the Plate
Materials: offering plate or a paper plate
Have the kids sit in a circle. Give them different instructions for passing the plate around the circle. This could include: Pass the plate to their left slowly, pass the plate to their right quickly, pass the plate behind their backs, and so on. Say that the money people give at church is called tithes and offerings. Comment that people give to churches in different ways, and giving is a way to worship God. Read the Weekly Verse, 1 Corinthians 9:7. Lead the kids to repeat the verse with you.
Craft – Make Money
Materials: paper cut into circles, pencils, markers, coins
Show the kids the coins you have gathered. Guide them to use the paper circles to make their own coins. Read the Weekly Verse, 2 Corinthians 9:7. Review the Bible story. Say that the widow gave two small coins, she freely gave all she had. Remind kids that worshiping God involves giving to honor Him.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Sort Coins
Materials: a large collection of coins of different amounts
Guide the kids to help you sort the mound of coins by type. Then sort the different type of coins by tens. Read the Weekly Verse, 2 Corinthians 9:7. Tell the kids they will hear about a different way to worship God, giving.
Live It Out
Game – Give It Away
Materials: paper, masking tape
Use masking tape to divide the play area into four square areas. Wad paper to make a lot of paper balls. Group the kids into 4 teams. Divide the paper balls between teams. Tell kids that on your signal they should start “giving” the paper balls to the other teams by tossing the balls into the teams’ spaces. The goal is to give away all of your balls. After a minute or so, call time. Ask teams to count their paper balls. Determine the team with the fewest paper balls. Ask that team a review question. Redistribute the paper balls and play again. Continue until you have reviewed the Bible story. Talk about the Life Point.
Craft – Coin Rubbings
Materials: paper, coins pencils
Show the kids how to place the paper over coin then press down with the pencil and rub until you see the design on the coin. Read the Weekly Verse, 2 Corinthians 9:7. Review the Bible story and talk about how it’s important to be a cheerful giver. Say the Life Point and repeat it with the kids.