Grades 1–6:  Worship at Church — Session 2: Isaiah Responded to God (May 11)

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Grades 1-3

Introductory Activity – What Did You Hear?

Materials: none

Direct the kids to sit in a circle on the floor. Tell the kids you will play a listening game. The teacher will whisper a message (God called Isaiah.) to the first child, who will whisper to the next child, and so on around the circle. When the last child receives the message, ask: “What did you hear?” When he responds, reply whether he hear correctly or not. Say that they will hear a story about a man who listened and responded to God.

Live It Out

Game – 1, 2, 3, Go

Materials: none

Line the kids up against one wall of the room. Explain that you will say “1, 2, 3, Go,” and they should walk towards the other side of the room. When you say “Stop,” they should stop. Ask a review question and encourage the kids to answer it together. Play until the kids have reached the other side of the room. Explain that God was looking for someone to “Go” for him. Isaiah said he would go. Read Isaiah 6:8 and lead the kids to say the verse with you. 

Craft – Make Road Signs

Materials: paper, crayons

Remind the kids that Isaiah listened to God and responded to Him; this is one way to worship God. Guide the kids to make signs similar to road signs that say things like, “Go for God” or “One Way for Jesus.” Suggest that kids write Isaiah 6:8 on their signs. Tell them to place the signs in their rooms to remind them to listen and respond to God. 

Grades 4-6

Introductory Activity – Hands In

Materials: none

Guide the kids to make a huddle with their hands in the middle. Have the kids come up with “Team on Three” phrases like, “It’s fun to go to church on three.” Do several hands in chants. Talk about how gathering for a huddle is a little like gathering for church. The team gets instructions then goes and carries them out. Read Isaiah 6:8.

Live It Out

Game – Whisper Words

Materials: none

Move around the room whispering different instructions to the different kids. This could include things like: do five jumping jack, give three kids a high five, sit down until I tell you to get back up again. Explain that Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord and he knew what to do. Read Isaiah 6:8 and repeat it with the kids. Say the Life Point.

Craft – “Send Me” Poster

Materials: paper, markers, dot painters, other craft supplies 

Read the Weekly Verse, Isaiah 6:8, to the kids. Guide them to make a Bible verse poster by writing the verse and decorating it. They can write the verse in fancy script and decorate around the words with dot painters and other craft supplies. Talk with the kids about learning about God’s Word and following his instructions. 

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