1 month ago 19

“Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” EPHESIANS 6:13 NIV

Quitting seems easy. You struggle with basketball because it requires effort and a commitment to learn the rules. You participate in band, but the shoulder harness on the drums hurts. You take guitar lesson, but you want to set it aside because something else catches your attention.

Some commitments should be set aside because they aren’t compatible with your talent or personality. Other commitments are set aside because you just aren’t as engaged as you thought. The Christian life is designated to be a forever commitment.

God gives us tools He refers to as armor so that when we face our spiritual enemy we can take a stand. We are in a spiritual war and every tool God gives us is designed to resist the enemy. if we quit, turn our back, and run away, we expose areas where the adversary can wound us. When you’ve done all you can do to quit, God offers full commitment to help you through His command to “Stand firm.”

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