1 month ago 15

How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you . . . . Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” ISAIAH 30:19, 21 NIV

Sometimes making decisions seems like playing hide-and-seek with God. He hides-and we have to seek! But Jesus always wants you to find Him.

You won’t get very far in hide-and-seek if all you do is stand in one spot. You have to search. You can pray and pray and pray when you need God’s direction, but you also have to get your move on. Take some action! Move a little to the left. Rats a closed door. Okay, how about to the right? Oh, an open one! Okay, what’s through here

If you aren’t sure which summer job to accept, pursue all your options until you feel God guiding you to the right one.

Unsure what spring sport to play? Try out for soccer and track and see which one brings you more joy and peace.

Finding God’s will shouldn’t remain an unsolved mystery. The magi followed a star. Moses saw a burning bush. Elijah heard a whisper. Look around you. What clues is God giving you?

Lord, thanks for always guiding me. Help me move in the right direction by opening and closing doors and giving me peace when I make the right decision. Aman.

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