The Logos Free Book of the Month promo partners with Kregel in the first half of January to offer 40 Questions about Christians and Biblical Law (40 Questions Series) by Thomas Schreiner. Schreiner explains the “interplay between Christianity and biblical law.” Schreiner is well-known for his Baker Exegetical commentary on Romans and the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on Galatians. He serves as professor of New Testament Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and was the president of the Evangelical Theological Society in 2014. Since this book is part of Kregel’s “40 Questions” series, Schreiner follows a Q&A format in order to cover a wide variety of questions about the relationship of Christians and the Law, such as What Does the Word Law Mean in the Scriptures? Does the Old Testament Teach That Salvation Is by Works? Does Paul Teach That the Old Testament Law Is Now Abolished? Is the Sabbath Still Required for Christians? Should Christians Tithe?
In addition to the free book, there is a wide range of discounted books this month:
- William Powell Tuck, The Difficult Sayings of Jesus (Smyth & Helwyss, 2018), $2.99
- James M. Hamilton Jr., Song of Songs: A Biblical-Theological, Allegorical, Christological Interpretation (Christian Focus, 2015), $3.99
- Philip Graham Ryken; James Montgomery Boice, The Heart of the Cross (P&R, 2022), $4.99
- J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah by the Day: A New Devotional Translation (Christian Focus, 2011), $5.99
- C. Marvin Pate, 40 Questions about the Historical Jesus (Kregel, 2015), $6.99 (reviewed here)
- Terry L. Johnson, Galatians (Mentor Expository Commentary, 2012), $7.99
- Carol Hill, A Worldview Approach to Science and Scripture: Making Genesis Real (Kregel, 2019), $8.99
- Andreas J. Köstenberger, The Jesus of the Gospels: An Introduction (Kregel, 2020), $9.99
- James K. Hoffmeier, The Prophets of Israel: Walking the Ancient Paths (Kregel, 2021), $10.99 (reviewed here)
- Artur Weiser, The Psalms: A Commentary (Old Testament Library; Westminster, 1998), $11.99
The highlight here is James K. Hoffmeier, The Prophets of Israel: Walking the Ancient Paths. When I reviewed the book, I said it was “in excellent introduction to biblical prophetic books, suitable for both undergrad and graduate level courses. Interested layperson could pick up this book and use it to introduce themselves to prophetic literature in the Old Testament.” Pate’s 40 Questions about the Historical Jesus is very good,
Until January 6, you can save big at the annual Logos Bible Software “Twelve Days of Christmas” sale. If you have been picking up new free and almost free books over the years, this is a great time to complete those sets. Logos does not charge you for the books you have already purchased, so you can save even more than the discounted prices.
- New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC: Heritage Collection (26 vols.)
- The Bible Speaks Today Themes (23 vols.)
- The Story of God Bible Commentary (24 vols.)
- Christ Centered Exposition Commentary Series Collection | CCE (42 vols.)
- Armchair Theologians Series Collection (15 vols.)
- The Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Bible: Old Testament (31 vols.)
The “NIC: Heritage Collection” is a collection of older, replaced commentaries in the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament. The Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary is 50% off for the Old or New Testament sets (or individual volumes for 40% off). For Systematic Theology fans, the Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology series is also 50% off, or 40% off for individual volumes. The Christ Centered Exposition Commentary Series is 45% off for the set, 40% for individual volumes. Follow the link, there are so many sets and volumes on sale I cannot list them all here. If you are a Logos Subscriber, you save an additional 5% on everything.
Check out the sale, there are more than 500 commentaries and other books on sale. Since this is a “twelve days of Christmas” thing, the sale ends January 6 at 11:59 p.m. (PST).
This s also a good time to get a new Logos Subscription. Although some are upset with the new change in the pricing model, there is nothing to fear. Even if you do not subscribe, you still get to keep all your books. In fact, you do not need to upgrade to a subscription model. The subscription allows Logos to deliver upgrades every few months rather than every two years. If you do not like subscriptions, then don’t subscribe. Nothing will change. If you upgrade, you will get access to some cool new AI tools, which may or may not be necessary. They just added a Bible Study tool (like their sermon prep tool) that scraps questions from your library to help generate a Bible Study or discussion.
As always, you can use the (free) basic edition or inexpensive Fundamentals collection to use these free and discounted books. If you do not already have Logos, you can save 20% on any Logos 10 package (Silver and above) if you do not already own Logos Bible Software. Check out my first-look review of Logos 10.
All the links are Logos Affiliate links. If you are planning on buying Logos books, use this link and out Reading Acts.