Logos Free Book of the Month: Craig A. Evans and James A. Sanders, eds., Luke and Scripture

1 month ago 24

Logos Free Book of the Month

Logos has an excellent book on Luke-Acts for their Free Book of the Month promotion in the second half of November. Until the end of November 20204, you can add Craig A. Evans and James A. Sanders, eds., Luke and Scripture: The Function of Sacred Tradition in Luke–Acts (Wipf and Stock, 2001) for free. Mikeal C. Parsons blurbbed this book saying:

This is a fascinating, lucidly presented work offering fresh insights into a number of key passages in the Gospel and showing the fruitfulness of examining Luke’s usage in the light of Judaism. Whatever their level of expertise, students of Luke and of the use of Scripture in Scripture will find useful and challenging material in this comprehensive volume.” I. Howard Marshall, King’s College Luke and Scripture is an important contribution to the study of comparative midrash and the role and function of authoritative, sacred tradition in the life of the early Christian community. This book sharpens the definition of midrash criticism in relation to other methods both in theory and practice and in the process sheds further light on Luke’s understanding of Jesus, the origin of early Christianity, and his own experience in terms of Israel’s sacred tradition and institutions.”

You can also save on several other resources from Wipf&Stock and a few other publishers. If you are already a subscriber to the new Logos Pro you save an extra 5% on these books.

  • Jason Byassee, Reading Augustine: A Guide to the Confessions (Cascade Companions), $3.99
  • O. Palmer Robertson, God’s People in the Wilderness: The Church in Hebrews, $4.99
  • Lynn H. Cohick, Ephesians (New Covenant Commentary), $5.99
  • Richard B. Gardner, Matthew (Believers Church Bible Commentary), $6.99
  • Craig Keener, Romans, (New Covenant Commentary), $7.99
  • Georg Fohrer, Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament (DeGruyter), $8.99
  • Elmer A. Martens, God’s Design: A Focus on Old Testament Theology, Fourth Edition, $9.99
  • Kevin B. McCruden; Eric F. Mason, Reading the Epistle to the Hebrews: A Resource for Students (Society of Biblical Literature Resources for Biblical Studies), $10.99
  • Steffen G. Jenkins, Imprecations in the Psalms: Love for Enemies in Hard Places, $11.99
  • James Arminius, Arminius Speaks: Essential Writings on Predestination, Free Will, and the Nature of God, $12.99
  • Andrew E. Steinmann, et al., Called to Be God’s People: An Introduction to the Old Testament, $13.99
  • Paul M. Blowers; Peter W. Martens, The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Biblical Interpretation, $14.99

There are some great deals on the list this month. Both the Cascade Commentaries are worth buying (Keener and Cohick are always worth reading). Fohrer’s Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament is a surprise and a great deal. Although HALOT is better, this is about 3% of the price. These deals expire on November 30, so head to the sale page and add them all to your library!

Scroll down the page to the Publisher Spotlight. Until the end of the month, save up to 40% on B&H Collections. This includes the complete set of Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary Series and the 43-volume The New American Commentary series. If you want to invest in one of these series, now is the best time.

Some people have been confused by the change in the pricing model. Yes, you still get to keep all your books. You do not need to upgrade to a subscription model. The subscription allows Logos to deliver upgrades every few months rather than every two years. If you do not like subscriptions, then don’t subscribe. Nothing will change. If you do upgrade, you get access to some cool new AI tools which may or may not be necessary. They just added a Bible Study tool (like their sermon prep tool) that scraps questions from your library to help generate a Bible Study or discussion.

As always, you can use the (free) basic edition or inexpensive Fundamentals collection to use these free and discounted books. If you do not already have Logos, you can save 20% on any Logos 10 package (Silver and above) if you do not already own Logos Bible Software.  Check out my first-look review of Logos 10.

All the links are Logos Affiliate links. If you are planning on buying Logos books, use this link and out Reading Acts.

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