Genesis Chapter 1 Who What When Where Why And How

1 week ago 4

Welcome to, your online Bible Study supplement source. Today we are starting a series titled The Who What When Where Why and How of the Scriptures. We will do it chapter by chapter. Today we have a who, what, when, where, why, and how of Genesis chapter 1.

Let’s get to it and let me help you.

Genesis 1: Who? In the beginning, it was the Heaven Father, the Great Creator of Heaven and Earth. The primary character in Genesis chapter 1 is the Almighty Creator, who is the central figure in the creation narrative. There are no human characters involved in this chapter (except the frame of Adam).


The storyline of Genesis chapter 1 is the account of the Almighty creating the world and everything in it over the course of six days. The chapter outlines the creation of light, sky, land, seas, vegetation, celestial bodies, aquatic life, birds, land animals, and finally, humankind in the image of the Almighty. The theme focuses on the Almighty’s sovereignty, creativity, and the inherent goodness of His creation.


The events of Genesis chapter 1 take place “in the beginning,” marking the start of time and the universe according to the biblical narrative. This timeframe is not defined by specific historical dates but is understood as the commencement of all creation.


The events take place across the entire cosmos, as the Almighty creates the heavens and the earth. Specific locations mentioned include the sky, land, seas, and all living environments where the newly created plants, animals, and humans are placed.


He created and formed everything in heaven (we call space), earth, including the man in the beginning on the earth for the man to have dominion. The events from Chapter 1 are significant because they establish the foundational belief in the Almighty as the Creator of all things. This chapter introduces the concept of the universe being created with order and purpose, it highlights the inherent goodness of creation and the special role of humans, who are made in the image of the Almighty and given dominion over the earth.


He did it by His great wisdom and power. Chapter 1 is connected to the rest of the biblical story as it sets the stage for the entire narrative of the Bible. It establishes key theological concepts such as the Almighty’s omnipotence, the intrinsic goodness of creation, and the unique relationship between the Almighty and humanity. These foundational ideas justify the themes of sin, redemption, covenants, and salvation. These themes unfold throughout the Bible, making Genesis 1 essential for understanding the broader biblical narrative.

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Power be with you.

Minister Koko

Consul General, AKOPPI

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