I’ve been fortunate enough to see David Marino perform in New York, and God has really given him a great gift of a voice, as you will clearly see here. Today, when we celebrate Ash Wednesday (which I wrote a poem about— see below), is not only a day to repent of past sins, but to be eternally grateful for God’s grace in sending Christ to save us from our sins. Lenten comes from the word lengthen because it is celebrated at the time of year when there is the lengthening of the days.
To move from fast to feast,
From ashes to riding an ass,
From wilderness wandering
God’s willingness wondering
To follow the way of the cross
To find what was utterly lost
All this was Lent to us.
The cup not passed over
By our Passover
The vinegar he willingly drank—
But through gift divine
New covenant wine
Came forth from his side as he sank
All this was given to us
Through breaking of bread
They knew their head
The joy of new life begun
From out of the depths,
From out of his death
His people one loaf had become
All this was food for us.
Lent leads to Easter
The faster turns feaster
A foretaste for those in the dust
A bread with new leaven
The manna from heaven
All this has risen for us.
God’s ways are not our ways,
Our eyes cannot see,
The logic of love,
Nailed to a tree.
Come now to the dinner
Come saint and come sinner,
The meal is now served to us.
Lent 1982